Der Purpose der Marke Eisbär

Eisbär's economic success is crucial for its continued existence. In this, we are no different from other companies. But why have our employees chosen Eisbär over another company? In this regard, factors other than just salary and the geographical proximity of the location often come into play. Work should be more than just a job. We spend a lot of time at the workplace, and it would be a shame if it were only about earning a living. Work should also provide purpose, which is revealed not only in the product's characteristics but also in the values of the brand, the company, and the people behind it.

We believe in stepping outside without leaving a footprint to live a happy, healthy & fulfilled life.

Woran wir glauben

Eisbär hat schon immer Produkte für ‚draußen‘ gemacht. Egal ob für sportliche Aktivitäten, für die Bewegung in der freien Natur oder für den Alltag. Unsere Mützen ermöglichen es, stets einen warmen Kopf und warme Ohren zu haben und dabei gut auszusehen – auch bei widrigen Wetterverhältnissen.

Es ist in der DNA von Eisbär, Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, möglichst viel Zeit an der frischen Luft zu verbringen. Speziell der Aufenthalt in der freien Natur wirkt entspannend und trägt zu einem gesunden und erfüllten Leben bei. Sei es, dass man Sport macht oder einfach auf Auto oder Öffis verzichtet, um zu Fuß zu gehen oder mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren.  

Um den aktiven Lebensstil vieler Menschen auch in Zukunft zu unterstützen, werden wir noch weiter funktionelle und stylishe Produkte entwickeln – aufbauend auf der Kernkompetenz der Marke Eisbär: dem Stricken. 

We borrow resources from nature to make long lasting products, offering the best functionality, comfort and style.

How we aim to be mindful in our use of resources

It's evident that we require specific items to facilitate our outdoor activities. From Eisbär's perspective, these are garments that have protective functions, are comfortable to wear and look good – allowing you to truly enjoy them. 

Manufacturing clothing consumes resources and leaves an ecological footprint. There's no denying that. Our goal is to handle natural resources as gently as possible and return them to nature at the end of the product life cycle.

We make sustainable outdoor gear for nature lovers.

We knit – and there's more to come

The common thread we follow is knitting – and knitting can cover a wide range of products, from beanies to sweaters, jackets, socks, gloves, interior items – and even the upper material of shoes. Advanced industrial knitting machines are computer-controlled and can in some cases even produce clothing in one piece. This so-called Knit & Wear technology almost works like a 3D printer. Shapes can be produced seamlessly, and creativity virtually knows no bounds. Another advantage of Knit & Wear is that it enables efficient and resource-friendly production with minimal waste. 

This technological advancement has led to a surge in the popularity of knitting in recent years and also inspired the Eisbär team. Theoretically, one could dress from head to toe in knitted garments throughout the year. We won't reveal more at this point, but we can assure you that the Eisbär brand has a lot in store for you.